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Join us at Golden Corner Church where you'll find exactly what you’ve been looking for so you can
LIVE  unafraid, unshaken, with purpose, and at peace.

Jesus is the SALVATION, HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and GUIDE we Need Every Single Day of our Lives

and because of this, our mission is for you to know and follow Him. We'll help you find and follow Jesus with these 4 steps


You receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour when by faith you believe in him, admit that you’re a sinner, seek forgiveness, and invite Jesus to come into your life through the Holy Spirit.


You publicly identify with Jesus Christ through baptism, symbolizing the old life of sin you’ve left behind for a new life with Jesus Christ.


You never have to live life alone again. Jesus is now your God, your Father, your Friend, your Guide, and when you follow him, he will be with you always.


When you follow Jesus, your life will become full and complete. You’ll find everything you've been searching for in Him.


This world can leave you exhausted, empty, and hopeless with nothing but broken relationships to show for it, if you don’t have Jesus.

If you’ve been searching and coming up empty, we want MORE for you. Golden Corner Church will help you find and follow Jesus so you can have everything you’ve been looking for

  • Support and love from a community of people you now belong to

  • A life where you live unafraid, unshaken, and full of purpose and peace

  • Part of a mission to share Jesus with everyone

Although you’ll see lots of smiles and friendly faces

You won’t find us sitting in the front row on Sunday morning pretending to be perfect.

When you look close, you’ll see real people who are hurting, who are seeking, who have messed up, but are forgiven and changed by the grace of God.

Difference Maker: Tony Rogers
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It is our mission to give you COMMUNITY (a family),
to give you SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR (purpose),
and to help you MAKE A DIFFERENCE

For over 30 years, Golden Corner Church has helped many find and follow Jesus through Sunday morning Services, Groups, Kids and Student Ministries, and Community and Overseas Missions,


Learn more about how you can find and follow Jesus through the teaching and messages at GCC

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